- Arrival and Dismissal
- Attendance
- Automobiles and Safety
- Backpacks
- Back to School Night: Curriculum Night
- Bicycle/Rollerblade/Skateboard/Scooter Rules
- Cell Phones
- Change of Address, Telephone, and Authorized Pickup
- Classroom Procedures
- Communication
- Curriculum
- Discipline and Dress Standards
- Email Addresses
- Emergencies
- Forgotten Lunches and Items
- Health Services - Vision and Hearing
- Homework Policy
- Injuries or Illness
- LCFF - Local Control Funding Formula (LCAP)
- Leaving Early
- Library Use
- Lost and Found
- Medical/Dental Appointments
- Medication
- Nutrition
- Outdoor Education Program
- Pedestrian Guidelines
- Personal Items Brought to School
- Playground Safety
- Report Cards / Conferences
- School-Wide Rules
- Special Education
- State Testing
- Telephones
- Textbooks
- Tobacco-Free / Smoke-Free
- Traffic Guidelines
- Viewing Your Child's Cumulative Records
- Visitors on Campus
- Volunteering
- Walkers
Arrival and Dismissal
Children are not to arrive to school BEFORE 8:15 AM. There is no supervision until this time. If they arrive at 8:15 AM, they are to wait on the parking lot side of the yellow line until the bell rings. Once the bell rings, students are allowed to walk to their classroom. Students are to wait outside their classroom quietly between 8:15 AM and 8:30 AM.
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless signed out from the office by the parent or legal guardian. If a parent cannot pick up a child, a person the parent has listed on the health/emergency card may do so. Individuals not listed (including after school programs drivers) will not be allowed to pick up children unless they are listed on the health/emergency card.
After dismissal, there is supervision for 15 minutes at the loading zone. Children who are not picked up in that time frame will be asked to sit inside the office until parents can be contacted.
Parents who pick up primary students are asked to wait in front of the school. This keeps classroom areas quiet until the end of the day. Those parents who wait for older children must wait behind the yellow lines that surround the campus, and keep the younger children with them. Running and playing during this time creates problems for older children who are still in class. Children are not allowed on the playground during this time.
Primary students are not to wait for older brothers or sisters unsupervised. Any student who is not picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal must wait in the office and their parents will be contacted. Parents will be notified with a letter when we notice that your child is not being picked up promptly. After the third letter is received, you will be contacted to meet with the principal.
After school supervision is provided through Catalyst Kids on the Collins campus. You can reach them at (408) 446-5428 or center50513@catalystkids.org.
State law requires that absences be verified. Please complete the form or call the school each day that your child is absent. If you are calling, the number to call is: 408-252-6002, ext. 6. This is a 24-hour voice mail extension. When calling in an absence, please TALK SLOWLY AND CLEARLY and state the following:
Name of the student (with spelling), room number, and teacher
Nature of illness or reason for absence
Please contact your child’s teacher by email to request homework for your child be left in the office at the end of the school day for you to pick up.
Regular attendance is necessary if a student is to progress satisfactorily in school. It is important, however, to keep your child home at the first sign of illness as this often can prevent longer absences and the spread of an illness to other students.
If your child is late because of a doctor or dental appointment, YOU MUST BRING A NOTE FROM THE DOCTOR OR DENTIST OFFICE. If a note is not brought in, the delay/tardy will be unexcused.
The Board of Education believes regular attendance is critical to student success in school and recognizes its responsibility under the law to ensure that students attend school regularly. Parents/ guardians of children aged six to eighteen are obligated to send their children to school unless otherwise provided by law. The Board shall abide by all state attendance laws and may use all legal means to correct the problems of excessive absence or truancy.
Automobiles and Safety
Safety around the school and neighborhood is everybody’s responsibility. Speed limits in school zones are 25 MPH. Drive slowly and carefully at all times and abide by the safety regulations and posted signs. Report the license numbers of violators to the office. The Sheriff’s Department can ticket violators in the parking lot or around the school. The Sheriff’s Department has asked us to remind everyone that there is no parking or stopping in the bicycle lane next to the entrance and exit of our parking lot on Blaney Ave and no one should be crossing Blaney Avenue outside of a marked crosswalk.
Children are never to cross the parking lot unaccompanied by an adult. Walkers are to use the sidewalks and cross at the crosswalks. Adults, as well as students, are to use crosswalks. Avoid jaywalking. Always use crosswalks. Model good pedestrian safety!
Students will wait at the loading zone for up to 15 minutes after dismissal. Any student not picked up during that time will need to wait in the office and the parent will be contacted. Please do not ask children to wait for rides away from the supervised loading zone area.
There are a tremendous number of automobiles making the trip to and from Collins School each day. It is highly recommended that parents form carpools or walk their children to school. Particularly difficult times are mornings between 8:20 AM and 8:30 AM and Tuesday afternoons when all students are dismissed at 2:00 PM. The staff will assist with traffic when possible to ease the congestion, however, the congestion is still very heavy. We ask that drivers help with the traffic problem by following the guidelines and being patient.
Back to School Night: Curriculum Night
This is a night for parents only. This is an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and see what curriculum will be covered, hear about the homework policy, and understand more about what goes on during your child’s day. Make arrangements for your children to stay home.
Back to School Night for the 2023-2024 school year is on August 29th.
Bicycle/Rollerblade/Skateboard/Scooter Rules
Students may ride a bicycle to school if the parent feels that the child is able to ride it safely. Please review the safety and procedural rules with your child.
Bicycle Guidelines:
- Your bicycle must be in good working order so it is safe to ride. Regular bicycle maintenance is important to keep your bicycle safe.
You must wear a safety bicycle helmet as required by law.
You may not ride on the sidewalk unless you are under 10 years of age. You must walk your bicycle if someone is walking on the sidewalk.
Walk your bicycle across streets at crosswalks. Do not ride across streets.
Bicycle riders must ride in the bicycle lanes going the direction of traffic.
You must walk your bicycle and/or scooter on campus. Bicycles and scooters are never to be ridden on school grounds. Riding through the school parking lot is not allowed.
Bicycles must be locked at a bike rack during school hours. Do not leave bicycles locked to the fence. Be sure you have a good lock for your bicycle.
Skateboard, Roller Blades and Scooter Guidelines:
Riding to school on skateboards, scooters, or roller blades is restricted to students over 10 years old.
Safety gear is a must! Helmets are required. Knee, elbow and wrist guards are recommended.
Skateboards, roller blades and scooters are never to be ridden on campus.
Due to limited space on campus, storage of skateboards, roller blades and scooters are the responsibility of the student.
Riding through the school parking lot or the district office parking lot is not allowed.
FIRST OFFENSE: Warning note sent home.
SECOND OFFENSE: The office will confiscate your ride and you will not be able to ride for a week.
THIRD OFFENSE: The office will confiscate your ride and you will not be able to ride for a trimester.
Cell Phones
Students may possess cell phones under specific conditions. Cell phones must be turned off during the school day, including recess and lunch (prohibition on ringing or vibrating) and must be kept in the student’s backpack at all times. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the cell phone being confiscated and the loss of cell phone possession privileges at the discretion of the site administrator. This also applies to smart watches and other smart devices that have wifi capability.
Change of Address, Telephone, and Authorized Pickup
Always remember to report changes of your address, telephone number, place of work, work phone numbers, etc to the school office and update ParentVue. Let the school know if you have changed those authorized to pick up your child. Children cannot be released to anyone without parental permission. Permission is given in person, in writing, or on the telephone. Please keep this information current by updating ParentVue as soon as possible with any changes.
Change of address must be done through the Student Assignment office, see HERE for details.
Classroom Procedures
All classroom teachers have developed guidelines and practices agreed upon by the students and teachers. Procedures are shared with students the first week of school. Guidelines and procedures are posted in the classroom. Parents are given a copy of all classroom rules and procedures during Back to School night in August.
Weekly communication from the school via ParentSquare will provide parents with updates on school programs, special events, and other newsworthy items. This will come to you as an email. Please be sure to read this message and check ParentSquare periodically for updates from the school site and district office. You can also check the school website, collins.cusdk8.org. Students will also bring home a Friday folder with information from school, the PTA, and your child’s teacher. Please plan to spend some time each weekend reviewing the contents of the folder. Your interest will help your child know you care about what is happening at school and in their classroom.
In addition, you can follow Collins on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lpcollinscougars
Since 2010, 45 states have adopted the same standards for English and Mathematics. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards ensures that all students have access to an outstanding and consistent education. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the CCSS to prepare students for success in college and the workplace. If you would like to read more about these standards, please go to the state website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/.
The standards for English Language Arts organize the curriculum into the following categories: Reading: Literature, Reading: Informational Text, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. Students read texts at their reading level and engage in Reader’s Workshop and literature studies. In writing, we teach the three “buckets” of writing: narrative, opinion/persuasive, and informational. Students for whom English is a second language will take an English-Language Development assessment each year (ELPAC). This test identifies a student’s English proficiency level. Students who are English Learners will receive oral language instruction and support daily in a small group with their teacher.
The standards for Math ask students to engage in the subject matter in a variety of ways, with a balance of procedural skills and problem solving. Students in all grades are asked to develop their critical thinking skills and construct arguments to explain their thinking in math using models. Our textbook is the Houghton-Mifflin Go Math series. For more information about CUSD’s math curriculum, please visit the Parent Live Binder at: www.tinyurl.com/cusdparent.
Our science curriculum, Savvas/Elevate Science, is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and encourages students to participate in scientific inquiry through hands on experiments. This year we will also partner with Mystery Science to supplement our program. With the TCI (Teacher's Curriculum Institute) social studies series, as well as supplemental materials like Scholastic News and Time for Kids, our students learn about geography, historical events, and the global community and culture.
Discipline and Dress Standards
The staff, parents, and students are proud of the good behavior that is maintained by our students at Collins School. This is the result of the consistent emphasis placed on students to be responsible for taking care of their own behavior and for considering the rights of others. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is safe, caring, responsible, and respectful.
We have five school rules:
Be respectful to other students and adults.
Walk from place to place.
Be responsible for your own actions and belongings.
Keep all body parts and objects to yourself.
Use appropriate language.
These expectations are reinforced regularly. In the event that a student does not behave appropriately, disciplinary actions may take place as per Education Code and CUSD Board Policy 5131.
Our school will actively address concerns about bullying, both at school and online. Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. “Bullying” means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act. . .directed toward one or more pupils that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
Placing a reasonable pupil or pupil in fear of harm to that pupil’s or those pupils’ person or property.
Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health.
Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her academic performance.
Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges provided by a school.
(Cal. Educ. Code § 48900.)
District policy stipulates that students wear “clean and safe clothes that are not a distraction and appropriate for all school activities.” High-heeled shoes, backless shoes, Wheelies, or flip-flops are not considered safe for school or appropriate for physical education activities. Research has indicated there is a direct correlation between student’s attire and their classroom behavior, attitude, and achievement. A dress standard is enforced. Children are to come to school neat, clean, wearing shoes, and with their hair out of their eyes. Current styles are accepted, but clothing should be appropriate to the school situation. Light leather or tennis shoes are appropriate footwear for P.E. Hats are to be worn outdoors only (not in classrooms).
Examples of inappropriate attire include:
- short shorts
- bare midriffs or low cut tops
- shirts with inappropriate wording or pictures (i.e. beer ads, suggestive slogans)
- underwear is not to be showing
- skate tennis shoes are not to be worn at school (Wheelies)
Email Addresses
It is imperative to keep current all information on the student enrollment cards including home address, contact information for all family members (phone numbers and email addresses) and the names of other persons to whom your child can be released (including after school program drivers). In the event of an emergency, your child will not be released to anyone not listed on your health/enrollment card and disaster card.
Forgotten Lunches and Items
Forgotten Lunch
If your child is bringing lunch to school, make it a good habit of having it ready in the morning when he/ she goes to school. If, for some reason, that’s not possible, do not take the lunch directly to the classroom. Be sure that your child’s name and room number is written clearly on the lunch. Leave the lunch on the lunch cart located in front of the office. WE WILL NOT CALL ANY STUDENT! The cart will be pushed to the lunch tables at 12:00 each day. Remind your child to check the lunch cart for their lunch!
For safety reasons, do not ask your child to meet you in the loading zone at lunchtime to pick up their lunch. There is no supervision. We are a closed campus.
If a student does not have a lunch, we will direct them to the school lunch line to get a hot lunch. Hot lunch is free this school year to all students in the state of California.
Forgotten Items - Drop Off Procedure
The office staff will not interrupt classroom instruction to notify students of forgotten items with the exception of health-related items such as glasses. Parents may email the student’s teacher directly regarding any forgotten items brought to the office and left for the student.
Help your student make an evening and morning checklist and post it by the door they use so the student can double check that they have everything needed for the day. Remember to add water bottle, eyeglasses, face masks, homework, special projects to the list! Beginning the day as stress free as possible is a positive way to start the day. School age children are able to help fill their water bottle, pack their lunch, pack their backpack, and organize their schoolwork. Developing these important life skills will help them to be prepared and organized throughout their lifetime!
Health Services - Vision and Hearing
All students in first, third, ELD and SDC will have a vision screening. Parents of students who should be referred for a medical follow-up will be notified.
All students in first, second, and fifth grades have a hearing screening in the spring. Parents of students who should be referred for a medical follow-up will be notified.
Homework Policy
As part of a student’s education, homework is important for learning responsibility, good work habits and study skills. We believe homework should be defined as an assignment, related to class work that will be turned in at a specific time.
For each grade level, the homework policy may differ as to types of homework activities. Included in the CUSD Board Policy are the following recommended daily time allotments:
Kindergarten 10 minutes
Primary (1-3) 15-40 minutes
Upper (4-5) 45-60 minutes
Kindergarten, first, and second grade students may receive the following homework assignments:
Independent reading
Activities needed to master addition and subtraction facts
Long term projects
Gathering information for social studies and science
Notes to take home and share with parents
Work folders to take home and share with parents
Parents can read to the student daily and ask questions about the story
Spelling practice
Homework for the third, fourth, and fifth grades will include the following types of activities:
Mastering math facts and/or practice in areas of weaker skills
Daily independent reading
Completing assignments not finished in class
Studying words for spelling tests and/or studying for other tests
Long term projects and/or preparation for oral reports
Most students in grades 4-5 will have some homework nightly, Monday through Thursday.
Parents are urged to set up a nightly routine for students to do their homework or read a book if they have no assignments. Parents have a responsibility to their child to provide the correct atmosphere at home by making sure the child has the necessary material available such as pencils, paper, pens, a dictionary, etc., by helping the child set aside a regular time for homework, by making sure the student has a quiet study area with proper lighting, by following up on suggestions from the child’s teacher, and by assisting in developing a strategy for returning homework to school.
If, for some reason, your child is spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework, please let the classroom teacher know.
Not only do the teachers and parents have a responsibility towards homework, but the student also has a responsibility. The student’s responsibilities are as follows:
Write down all assignments. Do not trust to memory.
Ask questions about any confusing parts of the assignment. Be sure you understand what your teacher expects from you.
Before leaving class, make sure you understand the purpose of the assignment and take home all materials required to complete your assignment.
We are not able to open any classrooms after school if your child has forgotten something.
Please keep in mind that your student may sometimes prefer to do a homework assignment during recess or lunchtime to avoid having to bring it home.
Injuries or Illness
Students injured while at school are cared for in the following ways:
An injury may be inspected by the teacher, who may keep the student under observation in the classroom.
For a more serious injury, the student is sent to the office for first aid. The student’s name is recorded, and the action taken is noted.
The home is routinely notified of a student receiving a blow to the head, whether it appears serious or not. The parent will also be notified and asked to come for the student if he or she exhibits any of the following:
Temperature above or below normal
Nausea or vomiting
Severe headache
Spasm or convulsion
Evidence of a communicable disease
Any severe accident, including a deep cut, possible fracture or dislocation
Any accident requiring immediate medical attention
Complaints from the student of feeling ill when the student was home the day before or felt ill before coming to school
Presence of lice or nits
Bee/insect bite or sting
Any head injury
No student is sent home until the parent is contacted and plans made for transportation. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
Children should not come to school with the following:
A severe headache, continuous coughing or sneezing
A temperature of 100 degrees or higher
If a child has had a fever, he/she should remain home until the temperature is normal (98.6 degrees) for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducer such as Tylenol.
Diarrhea (remain at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours)
Nausea or vomiting or has vomited during the night (remain at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours)
Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Swelling or unusual sore throat
If your child is seen by a medical doctor and determined to not be contagious, please submit a doctor’s note that the child “is not contagious and may return to school.”
Illness guidelines may be updated in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department. These guidelines will be communicated to you by the school via email.
LCFF - Local Control Funding Formula (LCAP)
LCFF is state funding intended to provide schools with funds for planning and implementing significant educational improvements. It provides resources to supplement the basic school program. Parents and staff develop an LCAP school plan jointly. The School Site Council (SSC) monitors the objectives and activities of this plan. The SSC is comprised of parents and staff. LCFF funds enable us to purchase instructional materials, to provide staff development, and to add an hour of library time.
Leaving Early
Students may only leave school if signed out from the office by a parent/guardian or person authorized on the Health Emergency card kept in the office. Students are to come directly to school from home and return directly to home from school when they are dismissed. During school hours, they are to remain on the school grounds.
Library Use
Lost and Found
All articles found on the school grounds are in the Lost and Found hanging station by the hand wall in the main corridor. Name tags in clothing and lunch boxes help the staff return lost articles. Lost valuables, such as keys, money, watches, etc. are kept in the school office. All articles left at the end of each trimester will be donated to charity.
Medical/Dental Appointments
Please make appointments before or after school hours. When this is not possible, please come to the school office and sign your child out. We will call your student’s classroom and ask that they be sent to the office. All students must be signed out by a parent in the office before being released during the school day. Remember to bring your doctor/dental excuse upon returning to school.
Please notify your child’s teacher before the appointment (day before or morning of) so they can be prepared when you come to pick your child up early.
School personnel may not administer medication unless a physician has given approval. Paperwork for this approval can be located in the school office or requested from the school nurse.
Most medication can be timed so that it can be taken at home. A teacher, nurse, or secretary never administers aspirin to a student. If it is necessary for the child to have medication at school, the required permission form can be requested from the office. Medication includes all over the counter medication, such as aspirin, cough medicine, throat lozenges, inhalers and eye drops.
During the 2023-2024 school year, the hot lunch program will be free to all students in California. You can look at the menu ahead of time on the CUSD Student Nutrition website: https://www.cusdk8.org/departments/student-nutrition. Each day, a vegetarian option will be offered. Teachers will take a lunch count in the morning- please make sure your child knows whether to order hot lunch.
If your child does not have a lunch, we will NOT call home. Your child will be asked to get a school lunch.
In recent years, we have had a few students with serious food allergies, especially to peanuts and other tree nuts. If your child is one of these students, please let the school and teacher know so we can take the proper steps to ensure your child’s safety.
Due to food allergies that many students at Collins School experience, students are not allowed to share food of any kind.
Outdoor Education Program
The fifth grade students and their teachers have the opportunity to attend outdoor school for 4 days and 3 nights. Concentrated learning experiences in ecology, science and conservation are provided in this outdoor setting. The school asks for a fee to cover the program. If the school does not collect enough funds, outdoor school is subject to cancellation. More information will be shared during Curriculum night.
Pedestrian Guidelines
Personal Items Brought to School
Students should not bring personal possessions to school; they may be damaged, lost or stolen. The school is not responsible for students’ personal possessions. Examples: electronic games, iPods, Pokemon cards and jewelry. Students should not bring balls, jump ropes or PE equipment. Students may borrow and share this equipment from their classrooms.
Playground Safety
Your student may arrive at school AFTER 8:25 AM and must be picked up immediately after dismissal in the afternoon. There is no supervision on the school grounds before or after school. Both playgrounds, which include the kindergarten playground, are closed to students with or without parental supervision until 3:30 PM The blacktop area must be kept clear for upper grade P.E. classes. Children who are dismissed at 2:45 PM may not wait on campus.
Report Cards / Conferences
Report cards are issued three times a year at the end of each trimester and are accessible via ParentVue. A conference is scheduled with each parent 6-8 weeks after the start of school to set goals for the student. Conferences will be held in October this year. Please contact your student’s teacher if a conference is needed at any time during the school year. If you think there may be a problem, or you have some information that may help the teacher to be more effective in working with your student, please let the teacher know immediately. Teachers are not available for conferences or phone calls during class hours.
School-Wide Rules
It is our goal for Collins to be a safe, supportive place to work and learn where all adults and students treat one another with kindness, understanding, and respect. This school year we will be working as a staff with our students and community to update our school rules and develop a Cougar Code- a code of conduct and agreements.
We will continue to work together to learn and practice strategies and tools for handling conflict in a respectful manner as we were introduced to during our SoulShoppe workshops last year. This year we will also be implementing a social-emotional curriculum school-wide called Second Step. Information on this program will be shared with you in the principal’s weekly message.
Listed below are the current school rules as well as some specific reminders about actions/behaviors that are not allowed. We ask that students report any incidences of harmful actions and words and/or bullying (in person and/or online) to an adult so that it can be addressed immediately. We want our school to be a safe learning place for all students and bullying will not be tolerated.
Parents: please spend some time reviewing the information below with your child. Thank you!
Be respectful to other students and adults
Walk from place to place
Be responsible for your own actions and belongings
Keep all body parts and objects to yourself
Use appropriate language
In order to maintain a safe, welcoming learning environment, the following actions are not allowed at Collins and may result in disciplinary action:
Swear words and/or name-calling, teasing, or other inappropriate language is not allowed. The use of profanity at any time is not allowed. Verbal personal attacks, sexual harassment, and ethnic slurs are prohibited.
Fighting, rough play, physical contact games are unsafe and are not permitted. Students are not to hit, kick, punch, pinch, slap, etc. Students are not to throw any objects except balls in a game or PE activity.
Dangerous objects and weapons are strictly prohibited on school grounds. Students carrying such objects will face serious consequences that may include an expulsion hearing.
In addition, please keep in mind the following rules and reminders:
Bicycles and scooters are to be walked on school grounds. During the day, bikes are to be locked in the bike racks. All students riding bikes (or anything with wheels) must wear helmets.
Skateboards, scooters, roller skates, roller blades, etc. are not allowed on school grounds and must be removed and carried before entering the campus. Rollerbladers are to remove their skates before coming on campus or going to their class.
For lunch, please bring only non-breakable containers. No glass containers.
Restitution due to the destruction or defacing of school property or vandalism is the responsibility of the student and the parents.
Toys, PE equipment (i.e. little rubber balls or basketballs), electronic games, and card games are not permitted except for “sharing” in the primary grades or for a school project (must be kept in the classroom).
No gum is allowed on campus.
Students must dress appropriately for school. Please wear safe, sensible clothing and avoid open toed shoes, chains, etc. Hats are for outdoor wear only.
Lost library or text books will result in the student being charged accordingly.
Thank you for your support in ensuring Collins is a safe, fun place for all to work and learn!
Special Education
If you feel that your child is exhibiting major learning or other problems, contact your child’s teacher to set up a meeting to discuss concerns. The District provides a wide range of programs for students with challenging conditions. The resource specialist and school psychologist are trained in the diagnosis and prescription of learning problems and coordinate the special education programs within the school. The speech and language program is designed to meet the needs of students diagnosed as having speech and language difficulties. The speech therapist conducts small group classes for designated students. The psychologist is assigned to Collins School to assess students for learning problems that may interfere with their ability to learn. The psychologist assists in developing the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) for students. School counselors are also on site to provide individual and group counseling to students as needed.
State Testing
Each spring, students in grades 3-5 take the CAASPP test. This is a standardized test taken by all California students. Results of these tests, district tests, curriculum-related tests and daily assessments are used continually by the teachers to evaluate the student’s progress, to plan instruction during the year and to help strengthen our program in academic areas. Results are mailed home to parents and are also available for view via ParentVue.
The telephone number for Collins School is 408-252-6002 Please listen to the prompts carefully if you do not know the correct extension. You are able to directly call your child’s teacher on the phone. The telephone will not ring during the school day so as not to interrupt the teaching process. However, you will be able to leave a message, which will be picked up by the teacher at his/her next opportunity. Please note the attendance line is 408-252-6002, extension 6. The telephones at school are to be used by students for emergencies only.
All students are responsible for using all textbooks and library books with care. If any book is lost or destroyed, the students will be expected to pay for the cost of the book. If the book is not paid for before the end of the school year, the student may be limited in library book checkout in the subsequent year.
Tobacco-Free / Smoke-Free
Collins School is a tobacco-free facility in accordance with CUSD Board Policy 3515-3 and the State of California.
Please be aware that for students to possess tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products is grounds for suspension from school. Tobacco/nicotine products may include but are not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, or snuff. Adults smoking or using tobacco products on campus will be asked to refrain when observed.
To further the purpose of both the Tobacco-Use Prevention Education and the Safe, Drug-Free Schools and Communities grants, programs of prevention, intervention, education, and referral are implemented on the school campus to prevent and reduce the use of tobacco and drug abuse in our youth.
Traffic Guidelines
Our parking lot- and Blaney Avenue- are busy at drop off and pick up. Please follow the guidelines below in order to keep our parking lot an efficient and safe place:
Pull forward as far as possible and fill any gaps in the loading zone before dropping your children off. Make sure your child is ready to exit the car quickly and is able to open the car door by themself.
When picking up a student in the loading zone, there is no waiting. If your child is not there, park on the street and walk in or drive around the block and come through the loading zone again. Drivers may not stop or park in the loading zone.
Pull into the drop-off/loading zone only when cars have moved forward so you don’t block the right of way at the intersection of Blaney and Forest.
Once in the loading zone, stay in one line of cars. DO NOT cut into the drop off lane from the second lane.
Never leave your vehicle unattended in the loading zone. The Sheriff’s department will ticket your vehicle.
Carpool, if possible.
Do not park or unload in the handicapped area. Drivers can be ticketed if reported to the Sheriff.
Do not double- park or make a double line by the cars in the loading zone.
If you drive your children to school, try to bring them between 8:10 AM and 8:20 AM. The heaviest traffic time is 8:20 AM to 8:30 AM. Use the loading zone located in the parking lot.
DO NOT PARK IN DESIGNATED RESERVED SPACES. (Not even for a “minute” to walk your child to class or tend to business in the school office.) Please park in one of the unmarked spaces if you have business in the school office. We have support staff that travels between schools and needs the reserved spaces when on duty here at Collins.
Viewing Your Child's Cumulative Records
Visitors on Campus
To minimize disruption of the instructional program, maintain an orderly and disciplined campus, and for the purpose of school safety and security, all visitors, including parents, district employees and volunteers, must check into the office first before going into the classroom or onto the playground. The school keeps a log of visitors’ names. Each visitor is asked to wear a badge at all times during his or her visit. Our knowledge about which adults are on our campus is important for the protection of the children. We request that students from other schools, whether relatives, friends, or former students, not visit during the regular school day. This includes toddlers at the lunch tables.
Safety and student health are priorities. All adults volunteering at school must have a tuberculosis test record on file as well as fingerprint clearance. Cleared parent volunteers must sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge. Adults are not to be on the yard/lunch tables unless they are part of the Collins supervisory staff or are volunteering with the Running Club.
You can also locate volunteer information at the district website: https://www.cusdk8.org/volunteering
The school grounds are open for community use during daylight hours when school is not in session. Permits are issued by the Business Services office for group use.
All Board of Education policies, the California Education Code, Section 32210, the California Penal Code, Section 626.8, and the California Vehicle Code, Section 21113 are enforced.
The following are prohibited:
- Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs
- Golf practice, archery, model airplanes
- Climbing on the roof or covered walkways
- Unauthorized vehicles
- Skateboarding, skating
- Bicycles
- Scooters
- Smoking
- Firearms, rockets
- Animals (i.e. dogs)
- Parking in unauthorized areas
We appreciate parent volunteers to help students in class, on field trips, and during events on campus (for example, weekly Running Club at lunch). Volunteer opportunities range from working directly with students to administrative tasks like copying and preparing for art lessons or science experiments.
If you are interested in volunteering, please locate volunteer information at the district website: https://www.cusdk8.org/volunteering
All volunteers will need to be cleared to volunteer and this includes:
Volunteer form on file
TB test results on file
Fingerprint clearance
Training completed